Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Well, this is my very first attempt at creating and using a blog. After reviewing the videos for Module 2, I managed to create my blog with minimal difficulty! I am still not too familiar and will need to play with many of the different settings available.

I think blogging can be similar to discussion boards, but it provides an opportunity to  attach many other types of media and links easier than just a discussion board. One may also personalize their blog providing readers and responders a better understanding of the writers expression. It also opens the writer up to a much wider audience.Blogging allows the writer a greater freedom of expression than other forms of written communication and provides a platform for the writer to state their opinions, personal thoughts, and views. In the educational setting, blogging provides increased opportunity for students and educators to communicate back and forth in a fairly easy setting. Blogging can be useful especially in an online learning environment. Younger students may find blogging more natural and less cumbersome than traditional writing assignments. This may increase motivation to participate in written assignments.

The biggest negative that I see to blogging is the fact that it opens one up to the entire world. There is more safety in a school discussion board because only those viewing the post are fellow classmates and instructors. As one who hasn't grown up with technology but has learned to live in a tech savvy world, this type of discussion format creates some apprehension. Who is reading my work? Care must be taken not to provide too much personal information to anyone who may be able to view a post. Since anyone may say anything, it may be harder to regulate credible information from less substantiated works. Thus there is the potential to quickly spread false information to a worldwide audience.

Though blogging has its advantages, I would like to learn more about it before applying this type of practice within my educational setting.

Oravec, J. (2002). Bookmarking the world: Weblog applications in education. Journal of Adolescent   and Adult Literacy. 44, 616-621.

Santos, A. ((2011). Blogs as  learning space: Creating text of talks. Contemporary Issues in Education Research. 4, 15-19.


  1. Caroyln,

    I feel similar to you in regards to this being my first attempt at creating a blog. Personally, I found this to be very rewarding and intriguing so far. But, back to the topic of the pros and cons of blogging and comparing this strategy to discussion boards.

    I agree with your statement about having the ability to attach and take advantage of other forms of media in blogs. "Weblogs can help to analyze the power and influence of hyperlinks, something that many students may take for granted in their everyday Web surfing. For the reader, hyperlinks provide wider ranges of control than traditional textual formats; for example, weblog readers can obtain quick and direct access to various materials." (Oravec, 2002 p. 619).

    I just feel that blogs can take on "more of a life of their own" so to speak, and become significantly more impactful. Consequently, this mode of teaching, learning, and self-expression may lead to more impactful, enriching, and reflective learning. Lastly, this is a method that can take advantage of modern technologies and more adequately prepare studenst to be successful 21st century learners.

    Oravec, J. (2002). Bookmarking the world: Weblog applications in education. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy. 44, 616-621.

  2. Thanks for your thoughts Tom. I agree blogging can definitely provide students with access to so much more than traditional learning ever did. I can see how this medium has advantages and has helped contribute to our world becoming smaller and more integrated. I appreciate your thoughts.

  3. Carolyn,

    It is so true that blogging really opens the content up to the world. One blog that I had started years ago had me receiving comments and direct emails from people asking for advice! Even to this day the blog is active and continues to receive comments from people wanting to learn more about it. FYI the blog was about living in Korea. It is a little worrisome to have it open to the world, but I have found that if everything is kept PG, there should be no problem. Also, it is hard to keep your name off of everything, because you have to start with making an anonymous email and then everything has to be attached to that. Therefore, if you enter your real information once, it is not difficult for people to find out the author's true identity.

    I think that since a blog is simple, many people like yourself, have found it a viable place to share ideas and personal experiences with the world. Therefore, if people want to read it, great! If not, at least the author has a chance to share it with strangers.

  4. Great work on your first blog. You'll get the hang of it in no time. I liked how you discussed finding credible information can be difficult with anyone and everyone having access to a computer and blogging. There are some great tools to help individuals discover what is credible and what is not on the internet (2011). Also the privacy problem can cause an uneasiness as well. I am in the Millennial Generation where we don't think about privacy because it is so hard to come by. For example, I was out to dinner with friends, two weeks later a different friend said a picture of me in the background was posted on an individuals facebook who I never knew. My name wasn't attached to my picture, but it was still weird to see other people knew where I was without my permission. However I do understand many individuals concern with lack of privacy based on a blog.

    (2011). How to judge the reliability of internet information. website:

  5. Carolyn,

    I agree with you about the possible negative impact of blogging and being open to the entire world; our digital footprint grows every day! What you say in a blog or comment is open to interpretation by the reader. I tend to be sarcastic at times and, on course message boards, this has opened me up to being “hammered” by others who did not take it as I intended. I need to better develop my communications. I have been a business writer—where “tight” writing is required— for 30 years so when assignments require a certain length I tend to get off track!

    Another issue with the Digital Footprint is it never goes away; great care and consideration need to be given to what is posted. This is probably not a huge issue for many of us, but many young people are falling into this trap. Mr. Al Duncan, a youth advocate and motivational speaker, addressed 900 undergraduate business students this past week. He told them that one of the two biggest mistakes many young people are making today is related to what they post on social media sites.

    Happy blogging
